Network Team

Dr Suzanne Bartington
Principal Investigator | University of Birmingham
Her research portfolio extends across three core themes: (i) health and environmental impacts of ambient and indoor air pollution; (ii) sustainable transport mobilities specifically links between active travel infrastructure and health; (ii) environmental public policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Suzanne has cross-cutting interests in development of new methods for monitoring, analysing and modelling impacts of air quality and application of mixed-methods approaches for intervention evaluation.
Existing research includes studies funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Suzanne is also a regular panellist and speaker at regional national and international public and policy engagement events on the topics of air quality, health and active travel transport policy.

Professor Sam Akehurst
Academic Co-Investigator | University of Bath

Academic Co-Investigator | University of Birmingham

Dr Huw Davies
Academic Co-Investigator | University of Coventry

Professor Nigel Gilbert
Academic Co-Investigator | University of Surrey

Academic Co-Investigator | University College London

Dr Stuart Hillmansen
Academic Co-Investigator | University of Birmingham

Charlotte Landeg-Cox
Academic Co-Investigator | Health Security Agency

Dr Felix Leach
Academic Co-Investigator | University of Oxford

Professor Martin Mayfield
Academic Co-Investigator | University of Sheffield
Martin returned to academia, when he took up a Chair in the Department in 2013. He was made the Infrastructure Research Leader for Engineering at Sheffield and is leading the Sheffield component of the UKCRIC initiative. Together with Dr Densley Tingley he leads the RISE (Resources, Infrastructure and built Environments) research group which now includes 14 researchers working across the nexus of technology and infrastructure to enable the creation of a built environment that allows humanity to thrive within the carrying capacity of the planet, and, in so doing, restore the balance between humanity and natural systems.

Dr Sarah Moller
Academic Co-Investigator | University of York
Sarah holds an independent Knowledge Exchange Fellowship, NERC Air Quality Science in Support of Government Strategy and is the academic lead for the Science and Technology Facilities Council Air Quality Network (SAQN). She is an ex-officio member of the Defra Air Quality Expert Group and is a Senior Fellow on the Defra Chief Scientific Adviser’s Systems Research Programme supporting the Department in integrating systemic approaches into the policy making process.

Professor Francis Pope
Academic Co-Investigator | University of Birmingham

Dr Karl Ropkins
Academic Co-Investigator | University of Leeds

Katie Youngwood
Network Administrator | University of Birmingham